Pre-practicum experience that engages students in observing and assisting in middle and/or high school classrooms.

SED SO 574: Pre-practicum in Social Studies.Effective Fall 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry II, Oral and/or Signed Communication, Creativity/Innovation. Students will develop competencies in developing and presenting research-based history lessons. Students will develop an understanding of historical literacy, historical thinking, inquiry, and problem solving. Students will investigate the history, subspecialties, pedagogy, and research in history education for middle and high school, as related to historical thinking, literacy, and problem solving. SED SO 566: Teaching Critical Historical Inquiry.This course describes the role of language, literacy, and communication in globalization by examining their use across cultural, political, and geographic boundaries, and highlighting how language and cultural forms flow in global networks and across cultural boundaries constructing transcultural and transnational student identities. SED SO 525: Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication.Effective Spring 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community. Students apply that model to analyze and influence a current public policy of their choice. The course examines how a model of citizen action (Project Citizen) can be used to promote active and informed citizenship among youth and adults. SED SO 520: Project Citizen: Promoting Civic Engagement.Grades 8-12 student teaching under joint supervision of supervising practitioner and university supervisor. Open only to matriculated students who have completed prerequisites. SED SO 510: Student-Teaching Practicum: History and Social Science, 8-12.Grades 5-8 student teaching under joint supervision of supervising practitioner and university supervisor. Graduate Corequisites: SED SO 572 Open only to matriculated graduate students who have completed prerequisites. Undergraduate Corequisites: SED SO 572 and SED SO 566 Open only to matriculated students who have completed prerequisites. SED SO 509: Student-Teaching Practicum: History and Social Science 5-8.Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).Educational Leadership & Policy Studies.