tioat, 1998 Force 90 Hr pow er trim & tilt elec. Johnson, trailer with electric winch, $3,200 or best offer. Recreational All Terrain Bicycles Boats Campers RV's Guns, Rifles Snowmobiles Sporting Goods Wanted Boats 570 1979 Slyan 16 ft. 446-1307 USED Empac Computers marked tor cash sale. SEGA Dreamcast, 15 games, 2 memory cards, a game shark, and 3 controllers. 848-0894 PLAYSTATION 2, Never opened, ' $1 ,000 cash or best offer. PLAY Station 2, asking $900 after 3:00 pm. CD ROM complete, internet ready, cost $1,500. B45-0204 TV, Stereo, Electronics 430 COMPUTER, IBM compatible, 15" monitor, keyboard mouse. SNOW- BLOWER, welec start, $375, and 2 stage snowblower, SI 75. Call 536-6160 Snowblowers 485 SIMPLICITY 8 H.P. SALE: Tame and talking Par rots, uocatieis, Love birds, Finches, Cages & Toys Sheltie Puppies - 2 males. Uall 849-3502 MASTIFF ROTTEWEILER cross - tails docked, dew claws, second set of shots. eye guaran tee, f 1 3.JSb-3bY3 GORDON Setter puppy, AKC, snots, beautifully marked with, loving disposition, great family dog w lots of hunting po tential. 842-9866 after 3:30 GOLDEN RETRIEVER master nunter sire, hunt, test, dam, run nip nealth. f-HEE kittens born Sept 5th, good outside cats. FREE 1 1 mo, old hound, mov ing, must tind good home. 715561-3149 evenings ask lor Karen BLACK LABRADORS, (ield champ sire - hunt, test, dam, run nip. 6B Monday, OctoWausau Daily Herald Pets, Supplies 40 AKC cocker spaniel puppies, reo, ouft, & party mix, 1st shots, $175 I, $150 m 715- B5-7661 or 71 AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, sable & blacktan, guar anteed.